Virtual dream girl | Surreal Painting

Virtual dream girl (surreal painting)

From the ashes of my own real-life failed real-world relationships, I built my virtual life. Finding someone who understands you in the real world is like finding a needle in a haystack. Nobody is a clear winner in the real world — Rich and pretty people attract a lot of fake people while the poor and ugly people are deserted. For an introvert, finding a dream girl in real-world is near impossible. His only hope is a virtual dream girl.

Virtual dream girl — About the painting

painting about virtual love, digital love art surreal

My virtual dream girl can be any girl. I may have met her online or I haven’t met her yet. I have seen girls online who share my same likes and passion, who can create an entire world with her words and paintings. Since she could be anyone from any part of the real world, her face isn’t revealed in my painting. The clouds in this painting represent separation; Separation from the real world and from annoying people. The phones are represented as two tall buildings kissing the sky. The distance of two phones points to the fact that physical distance is a big factor in long-distance relationships even if it is virtual.
You can see me standing on top of my phone/building unable to gift my dream girl real flowers. This is the struggle to maintain a virtual relationship. A person who can maintain a virtual relationship for years deserves greater respect than a person who maintains a real-world relationship. In the real world, it is easy to gift flowers. But in the virtual world, sending a flower emoji won’t make any impact. You have to make it real through your words. The fragrance of a sweet-smelling flower should reach your dream person through your expressive words. The flowers in this painting are a symbolic representation of love and care.
A virtual relationship is a leap of faith— if I try to walk towards my virtual dream girl, either I may fall down, piercing the clouds or the clouds may act as a bridge to fulfil my dream to meet her. Only time will tell which will happen.
