Procreation is a curse | A short Poem and an article

procreation poem, baby in a shell
“Procreation or reproduction is the ultimate aim of a living being”— This is what we have been learning since school days, especially in biology class. Religious people/organisations announce to married couples to have more babies so that there will be more people belonging to that particular religion. Parents and Grandparents of married young couples frequently remind their wish in an Oscar-winning performance —” Oh! I am nearing death. When will I be able to see my grandchild?”. A child is one of the most precious gifts from God. Who hates to create a copy, a version of himself/herself, to pass the genetic knowledge to the future? But what if procreation is a curse?
Procreation might not be as blissful or divine experience if we look at deformed, abnormal, handicapped babies. It is giving a chance for the defective genes of ancestors to resurrect in future generations. Procreation is pushing the wheel of suffering; it is creating a new body to suffer in this material world. If the ultimate aim of mankind is creating new bodies, what is the purpose? Continue more suffering? I really believe that the real aim isn’t procreation but liberation. Liberation from own body instead of making a new one.

Procreation is a curse — A short poem

Procreation is a genetic curse,
Done by bodies so diverse.
Passing genes to the child,
Surpassing the limits of life.
Pushing the wheel of suffering,
For a future unknown and puzzling.
It is the gift of first breath,
And the gateway to death.
